Senate Elections

Senate elections take place in accordance with Article 59 of the Constitution. Each of the four provincial assemblies shall elect in the next Senate election twenty three members from their respective provinces that include fourteen on general seats, four on seats reserved for technocrats including Ulema, four on seats reserved for women and one on seat reserved for non-Muslims. Four members i.e. two on general seats, one technocrat including Aalim and one woman are elected from the Federal Capital.

The Senate is a permanent legislative body which symbolizes a process of continuity in the national affairs. The term of its members is six years. However, one-half of its members retire every three years. A casual vacancy in the Senate, caused by resignation, death, incapacitation, disqualification or removal of a member, is filled through election by the respective Electoral College and the member so elected holds office for the un-expired term of the member whose vacancy he has filled.

A person seeking election to the Senate should not be less than thirty years of age and should be registered as a voter in an area or province from where he seeks election and should meet other qualifications prescribed under Article 62 of the Constitution.

Chairman and Deputy Chairman
After the Senate has been duly constituted, at its first meeting, it elects from amongst its members, a Chairman and Deputy Chairman. Whenever the office of the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman becomes vacant the Senate elects another member as Chairman or as the case may be, the Deputy Chairman. Term of office of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman is three years. In the absence of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman acts as Chairman.

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